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Just the Facts
  • Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited blood disorder which affects the shape of the red blood cells

  • Red blood cells are normally round-shaped. If a person has Sickle Cell Disease the red blood cells change and become pointed or sickle-shaped.

  • Sickle Cell Disease may cause severe pain from time to time. This pain can occur all over the body.

  • People with Sickle Cell Disease can live productive lives by maintaining good health practices.

  • One out of every 400 Black American babies are born with Sickle Cell Disease each year.

  • Sickle Cell Trait is different from Sickle Cell Disease. A person with Sickle Cell Trait has normal round red blood cells.

  • One our of every 625 babies is born with Sickle Cell Trait each year

  • A person does not get sick from having Sickle Cell Trait. The only way to find out if you have the trait is by special blood test.

  • If two people with Sickle Cell Trait have children, there is a 1 in 4 chance, with each pregnancy, that a baby will be born with Sickle Cell Disease.

  • Sickle Cell Trait does not change to Sickle Cell Disease.

  • Neither Sickle Cell Disease nor Sickle Cell Trait is contagious. A person is born with it.

  • The average life expectancy for a person with Sickle Cell Disease is 40 years of age.

  • Sickle Cell Disease is 40 years of age

  • Sickle Cell Disease is not limited to persons of African American decent. 

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